Try our Quick Order feature, available on the My Account screen, under Orders This unique feature allows you to enter products to your cart quickly on one screen, without having to visit every product page.
Not only can you create a Quick Order on-the-fly, you can create Quick Order Lists for repeated use. This feature is perfect for customers who consistently order the same product mix. Note: Product#'s are required to complete this process.
The Quick Order List feature also allows you to use an Excel Spreadsheet to store these products and place your order simply by copying and pasting.
Quick Orders On-the-fly |
1. | To enter single products: |
| a. Place your cursor in the Item# box, Enter desired product#. |
| b. Tab to Qty. box, enter desired quantity. |
| c. Click Add Line to repeat the process for next single product. |
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2. | To enter multiple products or search for products: |
| a. Click the Orange Magnifying Glass icon seen in Step 1. |
| b. Enter Keywords and click Search in Catalog Master. |
| Tip: Use the search drop-down option All for better results. To sort sort results, click the Code header to arrange by product#. Use the navigation buttons to move through the results or change the number of lines per page. |
| c. Enter quantity for desired products. |
| d. Click Add to Quick Order. |
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3. | Once your complete order is entered, click Continue Checkout. |
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| Tip: Quick Orders can be sorted by clicking the Item# or the Price ($) headers. |
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| Note: If you do not see all of your items on the Quick Order Entry page, adjust the Number of Lines per page and navigate using the Previous/Next buttons, located at the top of the form. |
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Quick Order Lists |
1. | To start a new Quick Order List: |
| a. Click Create New List in the right-hand column. |
| b. Enter a List Name. |
| c. Enter the product#'s and quantities, separated by a comma or space. For example, to place two belt displays in your cart, enter: 18000,2 or 18000(tab space)2 |
| d. Select and Click Save. |
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2. | Your newly created Quick Order List is now available in the right-hand column |
| a. Click the yellow icon next to the List's title to add the products to your cart. |
| b. Once your complete order is entered click Continue Checkout. |
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Quick Order Lists using Excel Spreadsheets |
1. | To start a new Quick Order List using an Office Excel Spreadsheet: |
| a. Create a new Excel spreadsheet. |
| b. Set the spreadsheet up with at least the following columns: Product# and Quantity. |
| c. Collect orders throughout the week, continually saving the spreadsheet. Updating as needed between WMA orders. |
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2. | Start a Quick Order List, as discussed in the previous step. |
| a. Enter a List Name. |
| b. Select and Copy the following two columns: Product# and Quantity, from your saved spreadsheet. |
| Note: A quantity of 1 must be entered for the product to be listed on the saved Quick Order List. This can be updated in Step 4 below. |
| c. Paste this information into the Items field on the Quick Order page. Note: Do NOT include any header text from the Excel Spreadsheet. |
| d. Click Save. |
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3. | Your newly created Quick Order List is now available in the right-hand column. |
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4. | Once you add the Saved List to your cart, you can then update or delete unneeded sizes or products for this specific order, while maintaining your saved product mix for future use. |
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5. | Once your complete order is entered click Continue Checkout. |